7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using CBD Oil

Who has not heard of home remedies? Despite the medical advancements and the availability of pharmaceutical medications, plenty of home remedies remain popular today. One of these natural remedies, which is popular for its flexible uses, is the cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is just one of the over a hundred chemical compounds that are found in a cannabis or marijuana plant. Scientifically named Cannabis sativa, the plant produces a substance called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This is the addictive substance that gives the people who use the plant a “high” sensation. Some companies they ask they future employers to do a Hair Drug Test to know if they abuse of this and any others substances.

Many people are wary of using CBD oil, but what must be clarified is that CBD oil and THC are two completely different substances.

CBD does not produce the psychoactive effects that THC does. You do not have to worry about it giving you any sort of mind-altering effects of even hunger pangs. Instead, the former, when used, has a calming effect and gives relief from pain.

CBD oil can be extracted from any cannabis plant, and afterwards, it is diluted with a carrier oil like hemp or coconut oil. This natural remedy is increasing in popularity because of its effectiveness when it comes to pain relief. There are even cases that it provides relief for people with chronic pain and anxiety.

If you are still doubtful about the benefits of CBD oil, here are 7 reasons why it is good for the body.

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CBD helps with pain relief

Despite the controversy that surrounds it, marijuana was originally cultivated as far back as 2900 BC with the intention to provide pain relief.

There have been a lot of significant studies proving the claims made for the marijuana plant, especially the claim that it relieves pain. These studies show that these benefits are due to the CBD component of the plant.

Our body has a system called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. Its primary function is to regulate our sleep, appetite, pain response, and immune system response. This system constantly produces endocannabinoids into our bloodstream, which then serve as a neurotransmitter that binds to the cannabinoid receptors located in our body’s central nervous system.

Now, when you use CBD oil, it increases the production of endocannabinoids. The result is quick relief from pain and stress as well as reduction of inflammation.

A research conducted on rats claims to prove this. The researchers injected the rats with CBD, and they noticed the quick and intense impact of the CBD on reducing pain during a surgical incision. Another rat was also made to orally ingest CBD, and the result was a decrease in sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.

Human trials were also conducted, and these resulted in similar reports, proving the claims of reduced pain. Interestingly, when given a substance with combined THC and CBD, the subjects claimed to have reductions in arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

CBD oil, as a natural remedy, has become so popular and widely used since then. In fact, in several countries and states in the US, you can legally purchase Sativex, which is an oral spray that contains a mixture of CBD and THC.

The legitimacy of Sativex was even tested through multiple research studies. One of the studies experimented on a group of 47 people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis for an entire month. Results show that they reported full improvements in walking and relief from pain and muscle contractions.

Another study also experimented on 58 people. This time, the volunteers were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Similar to the study mentioned above, the subjects reported significant improvements not only with muscle pain but also with their sleep patterns.

In other words, CBD oil has been proven to have positive effects on pain relief as well as relief from common ailments including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

CBD helps treat depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety are two of the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses, both of which could potentially create severe and long-lasting negative effects. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed depression as the largest contributor to disabilities worldwide, and anxiety disorder is 6th.

Often, patients with these disorders are prescribed with prescription drugs meant to target their symptoms. While these medications may work, taking these drugs are often accompanied with severe side effects that lead to dependency. In some cases, these side effects resulted in a new illness altogether.

Some common medications for anxiety and depressions, like benzodiazepines, are highly addicted. Exposure to high amounts of these drugs can be dangerous.

On the other hand, CBD oil has shown its capability of treating depression and anxiety disorder without these unwanted negative side effects. It is also a great alternative for people looking for a more natural cure.

CBD is linked to the body’s reaction to serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating your mood and social behavior.

Similar to the previous claim on pain relief, the claim that CBD oil is a natural remedy for anxiety and depression is also backed by research studies. A study was conducted on 57 men, where each man was given either a placebo or an orally-ingested CBD oil. They were then asked to participate in a simulated public speaking test 90 minutes later. Results show that the 300-mg dose of CBD highly reduced their anxiety levels.

CBD oil has been proven to be a very outstanding product that even children can use for treatment of insomnia and anxiety. In some cases, children who have post-traumatic disorder can be given CBD oil. And yes, CBD oil can also be given to animals, particularly dogs!

The use of CBD oil exhibited significant improvements in cancer patients

Cancer is a very serious disease that stops a person’s blood from properly flowing. A cancer patient will experience adverse side effects and symptoms including but not limited to nausea, vomiting, and general pain.

Fortunately, research shows that using CBD and THC in cancer patients reduced symptoms like chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting significantly.

A research was conducted on 177 people with cancer-related symptoms. Some subjects were given THC extract while some were given an extract that contains both CBD and THC. The results show that patients who receive the mixed compounds reported a significant improvement in pain reduction, while those who were exposed to THC alone did not experience the same effect.

A test tube test also proved that CBD oil, when exposed to human breast cancer cells, can actually induce cell death.

Animal studies have also been conducted to test CBD oil’s anti-cancer properties, and the results of these studies have been astoundingly positive. Tests conducted on mice with aggressive breast cancer showed that these cancer cells were hindered to a near stop after exposure to CBD.

Various drugs and medications have been formulated in an attempt to cure cancer-related symptoms. Unfortunately, using these drugs come with intense side effects, which could lead to even more complications. As such, CBD proves itself to be a better and healthier alternative to these medications.

However, more research still needs to be conducted to further quantify the extent of the benefit of using CBD on humans.

CBD oil can make your face look better!

CBD oil is not a cue-all natural remedy, but it is undeniable that CBD oil has multiple significant benefits on people. One of these benefits is the prevention of acne.

Acne is a common skin condition that many people normally experience that results from dirt being trapped inside the skin. In the case of teenage acne, it is usually brought about by hormonal changes. While acne is typically nothing serious, this condition can be quite embarrassing for many.

Although the cause of acne is well-known, there are many factors to consider when explaining what makes some people prone to developing acne. These include genetics, exposure to bacteria, skin inflammation, and your overall production of sebum.

CBD oil has been shown to hinder acne development. A test tube study was conducted using CBD oil on acne cells. Results show that CBD prevented the cells of the sebaceous glands from producing excess oil or sebum that contribute to the formation of acne. CBD oil also created an anti-inflammatory layer that prevents the activation of cytokinesis and other pro-ace substances.

More studies have been conducted to support this claim, but human studies are still being done to officially declare the acne-curing properties of CBD oil. But given its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to control sebum, using CBD oil to control acne development just might be worth a try.

CBD oil has beneficial neuroprotective properties

CBD has proven its strong links to a person’s neurotransmitters and is believed to have the ability to affect the endocannabinoid system. This ability can be very beneficial in fighting against neurological disorders.

The main research that has caused the use of CBD to rise in popularity is a study conducted to prove its capacity in fighting against neurological disorders, which included multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. But while the results of the studies have been largely positive, we still do not understand the full capacity of CBD when it comes to treating these illnesses.

Sativex, which is one of the most common and most potent oral spray that contains both CBD and THC, has been proven to be safe for consumption. It has also proven to be very effective in treating muscle spasms and multiple sclerosis.

The efficacy of Sativex was proven through studies. A test was conducted on over 276 people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Results show that around 75% of them reported having reduced spasms.

Another study was conducted on 214 people with severe epilepsy. They were given 0.9 to 2.3 grams of CBD oil per pound of their body weight, and results show that the subjects reported around 36.5% reduction in seizures.

Despite these positive effects, some subjects also reported negative side effects. These were convulsions, fever, and occasional fatigue.

There are still many current researches being conducted to discover the full potential of CBD oil when it comes to managing symptoms and curing, or mitigating, neurological disorders. Some of these studies include a research on the effects of using CBD oil on patients with Parkinson’s disease. Another study is also being conducted about the theory that CBD oil reduces inflammation and prevents neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

While human studies are still being conducted, animal tests did display hugely positive results about CBD oil preventing cognitive decline.

CBD oil is good for the heart

Another factor that makes CBD oil extremely beneficial is its link to the heart and the entire circulatory system. There are claims showing that CBD is effective in lowering the blood pressure down to a healthy level.

High-blood pressure heightens a person’s risk for developing serious health conditions such as heart attack and stroke. It is also associated with metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, as well as type 2 diabetes.

A research study was conducted on 9 healthy men. Each man was given 600 mg of CBD oil to test its effects on their circulatory system. Results showed a significant reduction of resting blood pressure.

These same men were also made to undergo various stress tests while the researchers monitored their blood pressure. CBD oil was shown to be able to lower their blood pressure even when exposed to extreme amounts of stress.

With these tests, the researchers came to the conclusion that CBD oil has positive effects on reducing stress and anxiety. These affect one’s overall blood pressure, helping an individual maintain a healthy level.

More animal testing, particularly tests on mice, are being conducted to allow us to come to know the full potential of CBD oil when it comes to the circulatory system. Results of these animal testing show that CBD’s antioxidant content and stress-reducing properties can prevent heart damage and reduce oxidative stress on mice.

As theorized by scientists, it is very possible that CBD can reduce inflammation as well as cell death, which can be attributed to heart-related illnesses.

CBD oil has multiple potential health benefits

As mentioned, there is still a long way to go before we can fully understand just how beneficial CBD oil is. However, the constant new findings and breakthroughs done through scientific research just show that CBD has multiple health benefits.

Further studies will allow us to understand the benefits of CBD oil, allowing us to see the reasons why it should be used in our everyday lives. Apart from the benefits explained above, here are some more properties of CBD that you should know.

  • CBD oil can potentially help in easing substance abuse. It has been shown to exhibit a positive effect in terms of modifying different circuits in the brain, which aids in treating drug addiction. Animal testing on mice show a reduction in morphine dependency and heroin-seeking behavior after exposure to CBD.

  • CBD oil can also help prevent diabetes. Another study done on diabetic mice showed that CBD can cause a significant reduction in diabetes production by up to 56%.

  • Using CBD oil can be effective in countering tumors. Test tube tests and animal tests show that CBD has anti-tumor effects, which can potentially lower the risk of breast, prostate, brain, lung, and even colon cancer.

  • Finally, CBD could also treat psychotic disorders. As it helps calm the brain, CBD can prevent rapid mental degradation and may help treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

Side-Effects That Could Arise From Taking CBD

As opposed to commercially made medications, it has been shown that using CBD does not result in glaring health issues. However, this does not mean that taking CBD does not cause any side effects at all.

Some studies show that side effects of taking CBD include weight change, appetite change, general fatigue, and diarrhea.

There are also some reports saying that CBD can interact with your other medications poorly or rather unpredictably. As such, it is always better to consult with your doctor before taking CBD oil to prevent harmful interactions between the oil and other drugs you might be taking.

In general, if you are considering taking CBD oil, you must check your medicines and watch out for a grapefruit warning. Grapefruit tends to hinder CBD’s effects on cytochromes P450 (CYPs), which are essential in metabolizing drugs in our system.

An animal test was also conducted showing that rats can emit liver toxicity after exposure to extreme amounts of CBD-rich cannabis extracts.

Overall Summary

The discovery of CBD and its properties has been tremendously beneficial in identifying a potential treatment for many common diseases, from common issues like acne to more serious conditions like depression and lifestyle diseases. Studies even show the efficacy of CBD oil when it comes to treating cancer and cancer-related symptoms.

The full extent of CBD oil’s capacities is still a mystery at this moment, but new advancements and breakthroughs are happening each day, allowing us to better understand the nature of this wonder substance.

We can definitely say for sure that CBD oil is a safe and powerful natural remedy, which deserves all the attention that it gets.

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