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How Do I Get a DNA Test


It is not offered by the NHS but is available from specific testing laboratories throughout the UK. The test will have to be paid for, unless the persons involved qualify for government assistance. A paternity test involving testing of the mother, father and child costs £199. When considering whether to have a paternity test it is important to be aware of the emotional impact that such a test could have, especially if it delivers results contrary to those expected.

DNA testing is principally used in paternity tests to ascertain that a specific man is the biological father of the child in question or to confirm relationships between people from their DNA make up, it is also becoming widespread in determining other relationship testing.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a thread-like twisted-ladder-shaped molecule located in nearly all of the billion cells that constitute the human body, is the body’s genetic ‘blueprint’. With the exception of identical twins, each and every one of us has our own unique genetic make-up. It contains our individual genetic make-up, thus determining an individual’s characteristics such as hair, eye and skin colour.

How to Get a DNA Test – A Guide

Firstly, all persons involved in having a DNA test need to agree that it can take place by signing a consent form showing their acceptance. Whilst this is a requirement that International Biosciences has promoted for several years, it is now a requirement of the Human Tissue Act 2004. Absence of written consent can, in some cases, be determined as ‘DNA theft’, resulting in either a fine of £3000 or a 3-year prison sentence.

Paternity tests used to be performed by testing blood samples. However, nowadays, tests usually involve the simple procedure of taking a swab of cells from inside the cheek. Once samples have been taken, they are forwarded to the laboratory for testing. Results are available within 3 to 5 working days. Most DNA tests, pretty much follow the same sample collection method but other tests such as those carried out in pregnancy or to determine genetic health will have different sampling procedures. Why not take a quick browse at the following page, which give you the option for learning the different DNA testing procedures for different methods. Click here.

Most reputable laboratories performing a paternity test will suggest a 99.99% certainty of proof of paternity where the mother, father and child are all tested. If, however, the man is not the father of the child in question, then the test will offer 100% proof. So, a DNA test or paternity test can be said to offer great accuracy of results.

Once results are known a report is written. The wording of such a report is required to comply with the Family Law Reform Act to ensure the acceptance of paternity reports by the courts, where such paternity tests are defined as being court-directed.
