DNA Testing Leads To Most Important Discovery Since Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun tends to dominate the news reports regarding mummified remains in Egypt but a discovery of a mummy by archaeologist Zahi Hawass was found, via a process of DNA testing, to be the 3,500 year old remains of Queen Hatshepsut, who was the only female Pharaoh from Egypt’s Golden Age. An important discovery indeed and one that wouldn’t have been possible without the process advances in the field of DNA.
Unlocking The Secrets Of A Pharaoh
The discovery of DNA testing was an evolutionary step in archaeology terms as it allowed for an unprecedented level of accuracy in terms of ageing fossils and discovery identities. The discovery of Queen Hatshepsut was greeted with scepticism at first but the archaeologist who discovered her, Dr Hawass, was able to use DNA to prove her identity. A raft of evidence was provided to confirm that the identity of the mummified remains belonged to Hatshepsut. The most notable of which was the finding of a broken tooth inscribed with the Pharaoh’s royal seal and the embalmed stomach and liver of the Egyptian Queen which could be subjected to DNA based testing.
The Importance of Accuracy
DNA testing has become so integral to the many archaeological discoveries that are made in Egypt that a laboratory has been set up in the Cairo Museum. It was here that these test was carried out on the mummified remains of Queen Hatshepsut. Samples were taken from the mummy’s pelvis and hip and compared with the DNA from other mummies in her family. The results show a close affiliation with the DNA of Queen Hatshepsut’s grandmother, Ahmose Nefertar. This clearly shows the merits of these tests in unlocking the secrets of our past both in Egypt and throughout the world.
More about Egypt
It was groundbreaking at the time – a paternity test is a rarity in Egypt, but one woman who took a man to court demanding a test brought Egyptian society to a standstill. Read the full story.
Speak To International Bioscience
International Biosciences offer a broad range of DNA paternity and relationship testing services designed to provide indisputable answers to emotional questions. Whether you seek to establish paternity, prove siblingship or research genealogy, for legal definition or peace of mind, we are able to provide DNA testing at competitive rates, professionally and confidentially. Using state of the art technology we are able to provide conclusive evidence on time, every time. Contact International Biosciences or click here to email us.