The Emotional Impact of a DNA Paternity Test

If you are thinking of taking a DNA paternity test for whatever reason, it has never been easier or simpler. Usually, a mouth swab is enough to find out who the father of a child is. But before taking a DNA paternity test, it’s worth thinking about all the possible outcomes – especially if the result of a DNA paternity test isn’t the one you were wanting.
Think Carefully Before Taking a DNA Paternity Test
No matter what your circumstances, family issues and questions of parenthood are inevitably emotional mine fields. Paternity issues can rake up feelings for the child in question, including rejection, low self esteem and identity confusion. It is also easy for example for a child to pin all their hopes on the DNA paternity test revealing an idealised or romanticized image of their father. The reality can be harsher. It’s important to take into account counselling before you decide whether a DNA paternity test is right for you and your family.
Emotional Fallout after a DNA Paternity Test
If for example, a child is seeking their biological father by using a DNA paternity test, this can be hurtful to their step father, who could feel angry and hurt. It is always worth talking through with your family in great depth before a DNA paternity test is undertaken. And it is worth remembering that even though a DNA paternity test could prove who the father is, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will want to meet their child.
Peace of Mind?
It can also be common for a mother or siblings to think a child has a different father because they have different illnesses, looks or behaviours to their brothers and sisters. But you shouldn’t be quick to judge as differences between siblings can be quite normal. If you have serious doubts, than a DNA paternity test is the only way to get peace of mind. A DNA paternity test will prove whether there is a genetic relationship.
A DNA paternity test is as conclusive an outcome you could find, it:
- Gives 100% proof that an alleged parent is not the parent of the child; or
- Offers in excess of a 99.99% probability that they are the parent of the child.
Accessing a DNA Paternity Test
Private individuals can now obtain a DNA paternity test relatively cheaply and quickly to resolve any questions they have. However, if an alleged father denies parentage you can ask the Child Support Agency to take action – which may involve offering a DNA paternity test.
Private DNA Paternity Test
If you are going to get a private DNA paternity test, ensure it is through a reputable company such as International Biosciences.